Archive for February, 2009

what we’re reading, week of 2/2

Posted: February 5, 2009 in Highlights

From Zero Day…
Cisco warning: Serious flaws in Wireless LAN controllers
Ryan Naraine reports that Cisco has released an alert for at least four vulnerabilities that could lead to denial-of-service or privilege escalation attacks. See if these vulnerabilities affect you.

From Tao Security…
Notes on Installing Sguil Using FreeBSD 7.1 Packages
While Joe Blow talks about his technical trials, Squil brings up an interesting question: can freeware hold it’s own in an enterprise, especially with security? And how does it work on the VPN side?

From around the blogosphere…
We all heard about the Google mess last Saturday. On a lighter note Martin McKeay from Network Security Blog and Rational Survivability describes the event in a humorous manner. Martin reminds us that every website is ‘potential dangerous’—that’s why we utility programs.

From around the blogosphere…
Data breach incidents seem to be popping up everywhere. On Monday, PGP Corporation issued a statement which announced its results of the fourth annual U.S. Cost of a Data Breach Study. According to the study, (which examined 43 organizations across 17 different industry sectors) data breach incidents cost U.S. companies $202 per compromised customer record in 2008. The cost component has grown by more than $64 on a per victim basis, nearly a 40% increase. Here are three different perspectives on the issue. Brian Krebs from Washington Post: Security Fix points out the study also does not measure the cost of intellectual property that is lost or stolen as a result of a data breach. What are your thoughts on this research?