what we’re reading, week of 3/2

Posted: March 5, 2009 in Highlights

Mac Security Blog…
iPhone to be Targeted in Hack Attack Contest
The CanSecWest security conference is featuring its Pwn2Own competition, where hackers attempt to “pwn” or get control of certain devices. This year’s competition is spilt in to two parts, browsers (IE8, FireFox, Safari, Opera) and mobile devices (Android, iPhone, Symbian, Windows Mobile, RIM). We’ll see who wins.

ZD Net | Zero Day…
What is security transparency?
Andrew Storms from nCircle did a guest post for Zero day. Andrew gives security professionals a better understanding of transparency, and provides a mini lesson for vendors.

From around the blogosphere…
Netbooks are the newest gadgets, and they seem to be everywhere. Netbooks are primarily used for the Internet, and require Internet connectivity for basically everything. With more and more people using these devices, are companies the risk to its networks and requiring stronger VPN tech? Here are two articles on netbooks.

Tech Sanity Check
Sanity check: Are netbooks quietly driving us to thin clients and cloud computing?
Jason Hiner outlines the limitations netbooks possess, and puts forth the argument that netbooks are going to change the computing industry due to these limitations. Jason continues his argument by stating these limitations are not going away and companies are going to hop on the trend of netbooks, and completely ignore the limitations. Thoughts on this anyone? Jason included a poll in his post this week—Does your IT department officially support any netbooks?

Netbooks: Everything You Want In A Notebook, But Less?
Cover story—CRNTech reviews four different netbooks for its readers. Looking for a netbook anyone?

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